Advancing finance

About Prosperse

We believe timing is essential to compete in today's markets. Today's trading happens at the speed of light, and having the tools to make confident, quick, and informed decisions gives consumers back an edge we have never seen.

Our History

We're a small team of developers and traders who are passionate about the stock market. We've been investing for years and have built a system that we believe can help anyone break into, and conquer the stock market.

From the early days of our trading careers, we've been frustrated with the lack of tools available to the average investor that focus on saving you time. A common problem we've faced is that we don't have the time to be analyzing charts all day, but we also don't want to miss out on opportunities. We've tried many different solutions, but none of them have been able to meet our needs.

Technical analysis has played a huge role in our trading success. We've found that it's one of the best ways to identify potential trading opportunities and make informed decisions. However, it can be daunting and tiresome to analyze charts all day long. We wanted to create a tool that would automate this process for us so that we could spend more time doing what we love.

Over years of trial and error, we've developed a system that works for us. We've been able to automate our stock finding process and have seen gains in our portfolios. We want to share this system with you so that you can also benefit from it!

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope that you'll join us on this journey. We couldn't be more excited about the future of investing, trading, and Prosperse.

Where We Currently Stand.

We are not actively developing the project anymore. We want to thank anyone who used our product, or was interested in our services. This is not the end of Prosperse, but is a step down so we can focus on other aspects of our life.