Build Powerful Stock Market Strategies

Scan for any condition using our no-code strategy builder, across the entire stock market simultaneously.

Prosperse custom scanner

Leverage AI

Use our AI to build, execute, and learn from your strategies. Our AI will help you find the best strategies for your investment goals.

Prosperse AI Chatbot

Seamless Backtesting

Backtest your scanners and tweak them to find your desired strategies.

Prosperse backtester

Instant Screening Results

While our scanners run autonomously, you can optionally run your scanners manually to find stocks that match your criteria. Seamless integration with our back-tester and charts allows you perfect your screeners. Once your scanner is active, it will notify you in real-time when results are found.

Prosperse custom scanner

Calculator Investment Returns

Use our simple investment returns calculator tool to simulate your investment returns.

Prosperse investment return calculator

All-in-one Dashboard

Manage charting, scan results, watchlists, and live positions all in one place. View your positions and performance in real-time.

Prosperse dashboard view

Elegant Charting

A custom charting experience built from the ground up to provide and all-in-one experience.

Prosperse multi chart view

Advanced Market Data & News

Easily view the latest market data and news for any stock.

Fundamental data and news

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the benefit of a stock screener?

A stock screener is a valuable tool for investors and traders. It helps you filter stocks based on specific criteria, such as market cap, industry, earnings per share, and more. This allows for a more targeted approach to stock selection, saving time and effort in identifying potential investment opportunities that meet your specific requirements

Are stock screeners worth it?

Stock screeners can be incredibly beneficial, particularly for those who want to make informed investment decisions. They allow you to sift through thousands of stocks to find those that meet your investment criteria. This can enhance your investment strategy, help in risk management, and improve the chances of finding high-potential stocks that might otherwise be overlooked.

How does the stock screener find breakout stocks?

Our stock screener identifies breakout stocks by analyzing custom conditions set by you! Any condition can be used to find breakout stocks, such as price, volume, indicators and more. As you create screeners, Prosperse will automatically scan the market 24/7 and notify you when your conditions are met.

What is the most effective stock screener for day trading?

For day trading, the most effective stock screener is one that offers real-time data and the ability to filter stocks based on intraday movements, volatility, and trading volume. Prosperse offers real-time data, advanced charting and tools to help you find the best strategies.

Is Prosperse free?

Prosperse is now a premium subscription-based service, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for scanning, backtesting, watchlists, and paper trading. Our premium subscription includes real-time data, advanced charting, multiple ticker scanning, and much more to support your trading and investment needs.

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